Easy peasy with great views of Lake Viñuela


This can’t really qualify as a “walk” – an adult could bound down here in less than ten minutes. But taking in to account there were 6 little, easily distracted legs walking with us, we managed to while away an hour and a half or so on this campo track – finding the best stick, looking for ants and whatnot – all the while enjoying fabulous views of Lake Viñuela.

It’s just outside the village of Los Romanes on the south side of the lake.

As you’re coming in to the village from the Velez Malaga side, look out for a road going uphill signposted for Torre de la Atalaya. Take this and after about a minute you’ll see a lay-by on the left where you can park.


The view from here is enough in itself. Overlooking the whole lake you can see the gleaming white houses of Comares, the highest village in the Axarquia, perched on its peak; as far west as the Montes de Malaga;


Periana to the north; and nestled in to the hillside to the east, Alcaucin and Canillas de Aceituno.


Just behind where we parked there’s a flat area, probably a site for a house that was never built. Cross over this, heading towards the lake, and you will see a distinct path heading downhill and up the hill opposite.


This is about as steep as it gets.


For this short of a walk we didn’t bother with a buggy, but you could manage an all-terrain one on this track if needs be, not quite all the way to the end, but about 4/5 of the way.


And after not too much effort you get to a nice broad tree you can sit under and contemplate the lake.


Why break a sweat on a Sunday?

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Lorraine Whitty says:

    Hope you had a nice picnic under the tree!! 🙂

    1. Grainne says:

      Wasn’t quite that organised. Discovered a great new place for lunch closeby though, post pending…

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