Original gift ideas for parents of newborns
Do you know what the No. 1 gift for new parents is? Yes it’s baby clothes. Specifically newborn clothes. Because all babies wear clothes right? And once you walk in to a store, it’s impossible to resist those tiny little outfits.
But the truth is most of those adorable outfits never get used. Newborns spend most of their time in onesies because they’re comfy to sleep in and easy to get in and out of.
So try to resist that urge and buy something really useful instead – something for the next stage, something practical they don’t even know they need yet, or a treat for mum. Here’s some ideas:
1. Six month old + baby clothes
No they’re not as teeny tiny and cute but these outfits will actually be used! Make sure they’re suitable for the season, no point buying a snow suit that will fit baby next summer.
2. Swaddle blankets
These Aden & Anais swaddle blankets are the zeitgeisty product new mums are craving. Big, breathable, multi-functional and just gorgeous, they get softer the more you wash them. From $35 for a set of 4 on Amazon
3. A portable changing station
Simple, stylish and very useful. Mesh pockets for diapers and wipes, zipper pockets for phone and keys. The Skip Hop Pronto is $23.34 on Amazon
4. A classic toy
Like a baby rattle. The type of gift mom will stow in her memory box after baby’s finished with it. $10.33 on Etsy
5. A photography voucher
You can go to a studio or have the photographer come to the house. This is a pricey gift so maybe better as a group effort.
6. A cleaner
Another voucher. This may be tricky to organise and definitely more affordable in a group. But if you could pull this off, trust me, those parents will LOVE it!
7. A cot mobile
Baby may already have one over his cot but it’s no harm to have an extra one to hang above the changing station. I found this sweet handmade mobile on Etsy. Or for musical mobiles try Amazon
8. A Gro bag
Babies need 2 (or better 3) of these and they’re surprisingly expensive so parents will appreciate having to buy one less. This one’s $56.63 on Amazon.
9. A personalized toy
You can get anything personalised these days. I found tons of gorgeous made-to-order stuff on Etsy. The fabric blocks are $6.62 and handmade fleece giraffe is $19.93
10. Wearable toys
These fabric rattles attach with velcro to baby’s wrist, stroller handles, mom’s wrist… $4.79 on Amazon
11. A doorway bouncer
A friend gave us one of these and all of our 3 children loved being in it. Very handy for when you’re trying to get some housework done. They range from $30 to 80 on Amazon.
12. A trolley snuggle
With toys attached, this also fits on a high chair or you can lay it flat on the floor as a mini baby gym. $28.93 on Amazon
13. An amazing non-spill bowl
I love this thing! First time parents will wonder what to do with a gyro bowl… but expect a phone call in about 6 months telling you how it has saved their house from total destruction. $10.50 on Amazon
14. Sophie the Giraffe
This is another item new parents won’t know what to do with. But the teething stage is just round the corner…
Read more about this best-selling teether.
15. Bath toys
How cute is this little fella? You can wind him up and he swims around the bath. $9.98 on Amazon
16. A pretty top for mum
Spare a thought for the Mammy! She has suddenly gone from maternity gear back to clothes she hasn’t worn in over 6 months that she probably can’t fit in to yet. And she certainly doesn’t have time for browsing the shops these days. Meanwhile she’s never had so many visitors…
I would only consider this if you are confident you know her taste well. Keep it loose but stylish.
17. Baby bandanas
Lined on the underside with soft fleece. Funky prints for total hipster babies. $20.95 set of 4 on Amazon
18. A home-cooked meal
Throw effort instead of cash at your present. Casseroles or similar one-pot wonders work best. If you’re super-organised, individually pack in freezer-friendly containers.
19. Babysitting the siblings
This was the greatest gift I got with Baby no. 3 – quiet, guilt-free snuggle time with my new bundle.
And finally…
20. A cute newborn onesie
Crazy cute! It also comes in 3 and 6 months but obviously works better for a newborn. $19.98 on Amazon
Some great gift ideas here. As a new mum, we were lucky to receive lots of beautiful pressies. I agree that sometimes “outfits” in newborn sizes get very little wear….larger sizes are much better. We were given a few beautiful grobags, which are also practical. And some personalised gifts which we will treasure. One of my favourites here – a voucher for a cleaner!
I’m with you on the cleaner Siobhan.. no one tells you becoming a mum comes with so much housework!
I have to say I would add one thing to the list which is my baby bouncer. Gives you a lot of time back to do little things (like pop to the toilet!!) and unlike a door bouncer can be used for smaller babies.
Never had one Daisy but my sister in law swore by hers.
Great list there..A few things to add… fancy shower gel to pamper mum as sometime the only free time is in the shower, another great one is to arrive on a visit with hot coffee and scones or the likes saves mum having to be a host and of course a bottle of booze never goes to waste in this house.
Or the whole lot…the coffee, gel, mind the kids, run her a bath and pour her a glass of that bottle.. Thanks Cloda xx